Target audience for this magazine:

I think that the target audience for the first magazine is men in the ages bracket of 20-30 years old. This is because it tends to be men around this age that are more interested in looking good and working out to achieve a muscular physique so would possibly buy this magazine and look to achieve achieve a figure similar to the one arnold has. However in the second magazine i think it is more aimed at men around the ages of 40+ because he is dressed in a suit and is much more mundane.

Language and mode of address on this cover:
The language on the cover of this magazine is pretty simplistic and basic. there isn't a lot of information on the cover just a few words that show a glimpse of what is going to be in the magazine. However the second magazine has a bit more writing as it is aimed at the more interlectual viewer.

representation of arnold and why he could want to be represented this way:
In this arnold is represented as a youthful strong man in the first magazine, he could want to be represented this way because it makes people think of him as being a strong good looking man, where as in the second magazine he looks more interlectual and smart in a suit, this shows that he is also a business man and not just a muscular figure.

Taking Photo's

Songs of the weekend :)

These are the two of songs that i listened to over the weekend :)

Weekend reading :)

Sitting in the garden with the ipod blaring reading a nice girly magazine on a sunday afternoon :)

Sunday; time to relax

Just chillin' infront of the Tv watching the best film ever :) MADAGASCAR!!
"I am very clever king... tok tok tok tok... I am super genius... I am robot king of the monkey thing... compute... compute."
listening to abit of hotel motel :)
been a good day so far, time to sit down and chill and watch slum dog millionaire with mahulenka :)